ABI reveals its latest UK fraud figures, as IFB comments

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has released its latest annual fraud statistics for 2021. Their findings reveal that detected fraud levels fell in 2021, while the average value of an insurance scam rose to over £12,000.

IFB has issued the following statement.

Ben Fletcher, Director at the Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB), said:

“The insurance industry is working harder than ever to stop fraudsters in their tracks and the fall in scams seen in 2021 is a great reflection of these efforts. While we welcome this positive progress, fraud levels are still far too high and countless innocent people sadly continue to be targeted by devastating insurance scams.

“We must do more to fight fraud. Every day we're working in partnership with insurers and the police to investigate suspicious activity and bring fraudsters to justice, but we also need the public’s help. If anyone has evidence of insurance fraud, we encourage them to report it to our free confidential CheatLine at insurancefraudbureau.org or 0800 422 0421."