Paid-ad spoofing scam resources

When something goes wrong and someone needs help from their insurer, they should never assume the first search-engine advert result will be them. Unscrupulous firms are mispresenting insurers through ad results to trick victims into contacting them and unwittingly signing up to their expensive services.

More information about paid-ad spoofing scams is available here.


Videos for social media and web

Campaign awareness videos are available below, to view or download from our Vimeo page. For any help, please contact 



Case study - Amy's story 1/3

Amy was driving home when a driver cut in front and caused a 50mph collision. She knew she had to contact her insurer as soon as she got home. Still shaken, she searched for them on her phone’s browser and called a number on a sponsored ad, but it turned out to be a third party.

Watch the full story and spread the word.

Spoofing Preview A

Explainer animation 2/3

When the worst happens, it's important to stay calm and make sure the right people are contacted for help. This animation helps to explain the issue of paid-ad spoofing scams and how to avoid.

Check it out and help spread the word.

Spoofing Preview B

Don't get caught out by a Paid-ad Spoofing Scam 3/3

This catchy text-based video helps to alert people to the issue of paid-ad spoofing scams.

Check it out and help spread the word.