The IFB welcomes removal of the EU’s Vnuk ruling from UK law

The Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB) welcomes news that the Motor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) Bill has passed through all stages of the House of Lords, which will remove the EU’s controversial Vnuk ruling from UK law and save consumers from the added costs of fraudulent insurance claims on private land.

Ben Fletcher, Director at the IFB, said:

“We welcome news that the EU’s Vnuk ruling is going to be removed from UK law as it will make insurance services much fairer for consumers, while making life harder for would-be fraudsters.

“The Vnuk ruling meant that the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) - which is funded by insurers and ultimately their customers - were made responsible for compensating those involved in accidents with uninsured vehicles on private land. But because it is very challenging to prove the circumstances of claims from accidents on private land, the Vnuk ruling ultimately would have resulted in significant opportunities for fraudsters and pushed up motorists’ premiums at a time when the cost of living is already incredibly high.

“Fortunately, common sense has prevailed and now that the Vnuk ruling is being scrapped, consumers can rest assured that they are protected from the unnecessary financial strain of motor insurance scams on private property."