IFB responds to Which? 'Ghost Broker' scam findings

The Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB) has published a reactive statement following Which? magazine's findings into the prevalence of fake car insurance deals on social media.

Ben Fletcher, Director at the IFB, said: 

"Young and vulnerable people are constantly being targeted online with fake car insurance deals that are too good to be true, and if they fall for them they're immediately left out of pocket and face having their car seized by the police for no insurance.

"The cost-of-living crisis means it's never been more important for people to safeguard their personal finances against fraud. To help raise awareness of the issue of 'Ghost Broking' scams, we'll soon be launching a digital advertising campaign to stop more people from falling victim.

"We're working closely with insurers and the police to disrupt 'Ghost Broking' scams. If anyone believes they have evidence of a fake motor insurance deal, they can report it to our confidential Cheatline for free at insurancefraudbureau.org/cheatline or 0800 422 0421."