Schedule 2, Part 1, (Paragraph 2) DPA Best Practice

Schedule 2, Part 1, (Paragraph 2) of the Data Protection Act 2018 allows for the sharing of information for the purpose of detecting and preventing fraud. Recognising the importance of handling such requests in a compliant way, the New Generations Group at the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) began the process of formulating Best Practice Guidelines to help ensure consistent high standards across the industry.

The IFB has taken on the administration of the Guidelines, which includes keeping a register of organisations that have signed up to the standard. The IFB will host regular forums to develop the Guidelines further.

Registering as a formal adopter of the standard is a clear signal of professionalism and commitment to compliant and efficient data handling. You can access the Best Practice Guidelines without registering but we hope that you will take the opportunity to formally commit to the standard.

Best Practice Guide documents:

Please complete the registration form below to commit your organisation to the Best Practice Guidelines. Details of organisations signed up will only be made available to other registered organisations.

Before completing the registration form please read the Terms and Conditions.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

About your organisation

Which organisation(s) are you registered with? *

Please provide details for a single point of contact (SPOC) at your organisation