Don't be caught out by a fake car insurance deal online


Not everything you buy online is what you bargained for.

Even car insurance is faked and sold on social media, down the pub or at the gym to unsuspecting customers just like you. The policies might look genuine, but they're not worth the paper they're written on.

And buying fake car insurance can be crushing.

Right now, everyone's looking for the cheapest deal

But, if you buy a fake insurance policy it could really cost you.

If you've been offered a cheap deal online and it seems too good to be true, it probably is!

Because you won't just be out the cash you've paid. If you're stopped by police driving with a fake insurance policy, it's a big deal that could cause you BIG problems getting real cover down the road.

Crushing, isn't it?

Oh and did we mention…

One in every three cars seized by police for no insurance (and driving with a fake policy meaning you're not insured) is crushed.

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18% of 18-34 years olds said they'd be likely to lie on an insurance application to save money if struggling financially